"After several years into a “successful” IT career, I was left with a feeling of emptiness and dissatisfaction not only with work but with myself and life in general. I was led to read Candace’s book The Shift. It was such a good read that I had to read it twice, and was life-changing to say the least. My eyes were opened to how fulfillment comes from within and is directly tied to your purpose."
Dana Blades
Founder & CEO of INtv
"I am officially a PhD Candidate!!!! My proposal went great! I felt so comfortable and confident presenting, got great feedback from my committee and colleagues! Today was great and wanted to send this praise report to also thank you for your help and role in helping me get through this milestone in my program!."
Maya Carrasquillo
Assistant Professor, UC Berkeley Civil and Environmental Engineering
"Candace has been just phenomenal with getting me started and providing me with direction for my new business. So many things I could not have done without her, especially establishing a website. She listened to me, interviewed me, and was the COMPLETE VISIONARY I NEEDED."
Eric James
Founder, Touch A Life Academy
"Candace is amazing at what she does. She is genuine and very upfront. Getting spiritual guidance from her truly blessed my life and helped to build a better me. She was very attentive, understanding, and supportive. Candace was able to tune in to every detail as it pertained to our journey together. My eyes were opened up to so much more and helped in bringing increase and many blessings to myself and my family."
Amanda Booker
Founder of Pebbles of Knowledge Learning Services